Agreement Sort

RECOMMENDATION: Council reviews and decides: That the District of Mission will enter into a one-year extension of the log marketing and dryland sorting services agreement with West Coast Timber Products (WCTP) for the 2018 calendar year at the same rates as those charged in 2017 for log marketing and dry sorting services. Buyer must have entered into ancillary agreements, including a service contract, a sorting service contract and a wafer processing service contract, in forms reasonably acceptable to seller. The rights and obligations for compensation contained in this Article 9 shall not affect the sharing of responsibilities and obligations between the respective parties to the brochure supply contract, the sorting service contract, the assembly service contract, the distribution contract, the transitional services contract, the brand licence agreement, the intellectual property assignment agreement, the intellectual property license agreement, the inventory purchase and sale contract and the equipment tester transfer contract. . Early in the planning phase of the project, VTrans consulted with Mark Ferguson of the VT Natural Heritage Information Project about the rare mussels, and Ferguson indicated that they were not in the section of river under study. .