Register as a supplier to submit offers and suggestions. Ask for a district supplier number so that your business, if selected, can receive and receive contracts and orders and get paid. If you know your username (starting with a “9”) and password, you can click on the link below to access your provider account. Then select the “Company Data” tab at the top left of the screen. Logging into the Supplier Portal you do not know your username and password, please contact the Supplier Services Unit at Be sure to include your 10-digit vendor number in the subject line – and ask for help with your “vendor portal access.” Click on the link below to request a LAUSD supplier number so that your company can receive payments from LAUSD for contracts and orders. Standard LAUSD payment terms are net of 45 days. To certify your company`s compliance with the Covid-19 vaccine, visit the Supplier Portal. REQUEST A LAUSD SUPPLIER NUMBER TO RECEIVE PAYMENT: PLEASE READ BELOW REGARDING THE DISTRICT`S LATEST COVID-19 VACCINE REQUIREMENTS FOR SUPPLIERS: To get help completING THE SUPPLIER SELF-REGISTRATION PROCESS AND NAVIGATE OUR SUPPLIER PORTAL, the following tools are available: REGISTER YOUR COMPANY/BUSINESS AS AN OFFER PROVIDER: If you already have a 10-digit LAUSD vendor number (starting with “1”) and need updates to your SAP vendor profile, please use the link below. NOTE: THE PROVIDER PORTAL is ONLY compatible with Internet Explorer 11 (PC) or Firefox (Mac or PC). .