Ny Non-Compete Law

Over the past decade, however, companies have begun to require ordinary employees to sign non-compete clauses. Rather, courts are required to enforce a non-compete obligation (a/k/a a “restrictive agreement”) as long as it is necessary to prevent a former employee from breaching his or her fiduciary duty and from unlawfully disclosing the employer`s confidential and proprietary information that he or she has spent on the time, money and effort to be developed. It may take months or years for the court to decide on the final decision as to whether the non-compete obligation signed by the employee is actually enforceable. Russell-Kraft had signed a non-compete agreement and Law360 had sent a letter to Reuters. The letter claimed that Russell-Kraft was not allowed to work for Reuters under the terms of its non-compete clause. If you`re negotiating a non-compete clause, here are some steps you can take to make sure the deal doesn`t limit your future chances of being hired: you feel trapped by your non-compete clause. They want to stay in their field because that`s where they offer the most value. They have bills to pay and support families. But their non-competition clause prohibits working in their field. I The employee signed a non-compete obligation that prevented her from dealing with competitors or being “in any way” associated with a competitor. In addition, the employer may claim any actual damages or losses suffered as a result of the employee`s breach of the non-compete obligation.

This could include lost customer profits, loss of secret employer information, and similar losses. This article provides a brief overview of the tactics that can beat a non-compete clause. However, the highest court in the State of New York has established four (4) criteria that determine whether the non-compete obligation (a/k/a “restrictive agreement”) is appropriate and therefore enforceable: These are generally fact-based investigations, meaning that each case must be assessed on its own, and it is indeed rare for a court to use a clear line test, to declare, from the outset, that a particular non-compete obligation is invalid. (At least not in New York anyway). Under this non-compete obligation, the speech-language pathologist would not be able to work as a janitor for a competitor, and the court refused to apply it. The concierge rule is an instrument used by courts to nullify excessively broad non-compete obligations. For example, a non-compete clause that prevents a CEO from being hired by a competitor as a janitor, cook, pilot, or other role is invalid. If you are looking for immediate help with a non-compete competition code, fill out the short form below to start your free consultation. We check your non-compete obligation and then meet you by phone. We will assess the applicability of the agreement and propose strategies. An employer has no legitimate and/or protectable interest in preventing competition as such and a non-compete obligation cannot be used to suppress legitimate competition, including competition from a former employee. It is estimated that today, one in five people is bound by a non-compete obligation.

Law360 entered into an agreement with the State of New York and agreed to restrict the use of non-compete obligations. Courts will only enforce New York`s non-compete obligations in certain circumstances if it is proven that their legitimate business interests, such as the disclosure of trade secrets, are effectively harmed. If you do not fall into this category, you should not be bound by a non-compete obligation, and your employer could be sued if it tries to limit your ability to switch to another employer. First, some background on New York`s non-compete obligations. Our lawyer Robert Ottinger is an expert on non-compete obligations in New York. Watch the short video below to find out if your non-compete obligation is enforceable. New York`s non-competition clauses are largely misunderstood and many of them are unenforceable. Indeed, New York strongly opposes non-compete rules and the courts will not apply them unless a company can overcome a presumption of inapplicability. Even if the court finds that the non-compete obligation is enforceable, it can still restrict its geographical area, enforceability period and field of activity under the so-called “blue pencil” rule.

If a non-compete obligation is too broad, a New York court may decide to modify it (by reducing its duration, scope, etc.) to make it enforceable. New York has strong public policies to give an individual the right to work and earn a living. While a non-compete obligation may be valid to the extent that it furthers a legitimate objective of the employer, it is not valid if its sole purpose is to restrict competition. There must be a good reason to justify the performance of a non-compete obligation. A non-compete obligation can only be enforced if your employer proves that you are competing. Judges don`t like to enforce non-compete obligations, and if your employer has done something wrong, they may not have the opportunity to enforce that agreement against you. Yes, the way to test the applicability of a contract is to be a declaratory action. Depending on the individual situation, it may be useful for the employee to bring an action for a declaratory judgment in which he asks the court to determine whether the agreement is enforceable. There are many practical and tactical considerations for deciding whether or not you, as an employee, should bring a declaratory judgment action against a non-compete obligation. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this problem. You may want to prevent yourself from taking advantage of these relationships to your advantage and detriment.

Or, if you have obtained certain confidential knowledge that you would inevitably use in the course of your work for your new employer, a court may consider this a legitimate reason to maintain a non-compete obligation. A non-compete obligation is a clause that is usually inserted into an employment or separation agreement and prohibits a person from working for a certain period of time for a competitor of his employer. New York`s non-compete obligations were once limited to senior executives who had access to important information about the company. An employer can only assert a non-compete obligation against an employee if he can demonstrate a legitimate interest that must be protected. Most companies cannot meet the criterion of legitimate interest, which makes the non-compete obligation inapplicable. Unless you have detailed knowledge of your company`s trade secrets, your non-compete obligation is unlikely to be enforceable. In the previous sections of this guide, we`ve covered some of the best arguments executives can use to prevent enforcement of non-compete law. Prohibits non-compete obligations; provides that a non-compete obligation is enforceable only if this Agreement does not exceed what is necessary to protect the legitimate interest of the employer; does not impose unreasonable harm on the employee; is not harmful to the public. (read more) and is appropriate in terms of time and geographical scope; make appropriate arrangements. The applicability of a non-compete clause in New York is very factual, meaning that the analysis changes depending on the agreement and the circumstances surrounding the relationship. Our law firm will review your non-compete obligation and meet with you by phone or video chat, answer your questions, review your non-compete obligation and prepare a written analysis to help you understand your situation. Therefore, under New York law, a non-compete obligation is only enforced if it applies: Here are five ways to potentially defeat your New York non-compete clause: Often, these executives had pre-negotiated exit agreements that they paid to suspend during the non-compete clause.

The only legitimate use of a non-compete clause in New York is to protect trade secrets or unique skills acquired during employment. The New York Attorney General`s Office has prosecuted employers who abuse non-compete obligations. See this article in Fortune. In most cases, the only legitimate interest justifying the performance of a non-compete obligation is a trade secret. Unscrupulous non-compete obligations not only threaten workers who want to change jobs, but also constitute a veiled threat. The court will generally not allow a non-compete obligation that prevents an employee from working in an area where the employer is not doing business. Courts are now rejecting non-compete actions against employees based on overly broad agreements. An Illinois judge recently dismissed a non-compete lawsuit against a former employee. This is the Law360 settlement agreement. Under the non-competition clause, all journalists and editors were prohibited from working in another news agency in the country for one year.

Have you been fired without giving reasons and are now having difficulty finding work because you are prohibited from working in your area of expertise due to a non-competition clause? If a non-compete obligation causes you problems, it may be possible to invalidate it or reduce its impact. It is generally accepted that New York courts will not enforce a non-compete clause if the former employee was involuntarily fired. Indeed, an essential aspect of enforceable restrictions on an employee`s ability to change jobs is the employer`s continued willingness to employ the party who agrees not to compete. Last year, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sued three companies for breaching non-compete obligations. The New York attorney general also sued Jimmy John`s for getting food workers to sign New York non-compete clauses. Courts often take into account these factors (territorial scope, duration, nature of limited tasks and consideration) in relation to each other. For example, if the non-compete obligation is intended to protect valuable information, the reasonable period of time is the period of time during which the information has value. .