Reimbursable Loan Agreement (Rla)

With this in mind, UNDP Sudan is looking for an institution to provide 8 different advisors under the Repayable Loan Agreement (RLA) in accordance with the 8 Terms of Reference (ToR) that are part of this tender document for this contract. Interested companies must be able to offer 8 consultants, 4 international and 4 nationals of Sudan. The selected company must be able to call on the 8 consultants proposed for the mission in accordance with the start date of the contract and in accordance with the division of the order at the national level or at home. Ar proposals and price offerings are submitted by: The level of conflict in Darfur is at a relatively low level. Following a referendum in 2016, the Sudanese government introduced a new political exemption that establishes five states as the basic administrative structure in Darfur. The Darfur Regional Authority was dissolved and, later, the six commissions subordinate to the Ministry of Federal Policy were re-established. The international community, which has traditionally focused on providing humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected communities, is increasingly focusing on a more holistic approach to development, in line with the commitments of the Grand Bargain/New Way of Working and the link between humanitarian aid and peace. However, the situation in Darfur remains fragile. It is necessary to consolidate peace, address the causes of conflict and achieve development. It is the responsibility of the institution (or body) that signs the ARla with UNDP Sudan to ensure that milestones are met within the agreed time frame and meet established quality standards.

Tracking consultants` results, monitoring and providing feedback, as well as payment to consultants are the responsibility of the RLA holder. UNDP may, if necessary, facilitate the payment of the DSA for the national mission/mission. UNDP is seeking the following experts in accordance with the attached terms of reference: Please refer to the attached Submission Bulletin No. (1) with clear responses to bidders` requests. Please note that the deadline for submission of proposals will be extended to December 17, 2018. .