What happens if the annual conference votes “no” to a spin-off proposal? State law continues to grant the officers of a dissolved company the power to carry out the activities of that company. This also includes signing documents or documents that appear after separation. The conference must retain the original documents that dissolve the body of the local church, but the leaders of that society must also keep copies of them for their own purposes. 4. Procedure after the decision to separate from the United Methodist Church – If the Church Conference votes to separate from the United Methodist Church, the terms of such separation will be determined by the Board of Directors of the respective Annual Conference on the advice of the Cabinet, the Treasurer of the Annual Conference, the Performance Officer of the Annual Conference, the Director of liaison ministries and the Chancellor of the Annual Conference. The terms and conditions, including the spin-off`s effective date, are set out in a binding split agreement between the Annual Conference and local Church trustees acting on behalf of members. This agreement must comply with the following provisions: The Taylor petition provides an exit plan for churches that want to leave the denomination with their property. In this plan, local churches that choose to leave must pay pension obligations, levies for the year before departure, additional 12-month splits, and certain other amounts set out in the policy and agreement signed between the church leaving the church and the conference administrators. (c) Ownership. A local church has the right to retain its real and personal, material and intangible property. All transfers of ownership take place prior to withdrawal. All costs of transfer of ownership or other legal work are borne by the local church negligible.
Section 41 of the Constitution regulates the narrowly defined situation of a local church moving from one annual conference to another, but does not apply to a local church attempting to leave the United Methodist Church. According to number 33 of the Constitution, the Annual Conference, as the basic organ of the Church, has the reserved right to make final decisions on the separation of local Churches within its borders. As a legislative committee, delegates to the 2019 Special General Conference amended and published Petition 90066, also known as the Taylor Disaffiliation Plan, on February 25, 2019. [1] Subsequently, the Committee passed a motion asking the Judicial Council to determine the constitutionality of the traditional plan [tp], including petitions 90066 and 90059 (Boyette Disaffiliation Plan). [2] The next day, we issued a declaratory decision in which we found that both withdrawal plans violated Numbers 33 and 41 and were therefore unconstitutional. JCD 1377 at the 3-4th Annual Conference Pension obligations have always been set solely on remuneration. A pension grade figure (ratio) was calculated by dividing the clergy compensation of each local church that went into effect on July 1, 2019 by the total clergy compensation of the Michigan Conference. This number of notes was then multiplied by the total uncovered liabilities to determine each church`s fair share. The amount of the fair share established on July 1, 2019 should remain fixed throughout the withdrawal period in order to provide a fixed amount of liability for local churches considering secession. Yes. Once this decision has been taken and all the conditions for secession are met, the decision is irreversible. However, the congregation may decide at a later date to join the United Methodist Church or a successor denomination.
Technically, this would not be a reversal of the original decision, but a completely new decision. It should be noted that general conference has the power to change the spin-off process in the future. Finally, it`s helpful to understand that there are three different processes: The Director of Connectional Ministries at new York City and Assistant to the Bishop, the Rev. Bill Gottschalk-Fielding, warns churches considering secession to consider waiting until after May 2020 general conference. He said, “It is generally expected that the May general conference will pass new laws allowing churches to separate at no cost (currently described in 2553 of the Book of Discipline). Waiting five months could make a big difference. (b) Divisions. The local Church pays all unpaid stipends for the 12 months prior to secession, as well as an additional 12 months of distributions. If our church wants to know more information or consider separation, where should it go? Then, at the 2019 annual conference in South Georgia in June, clergy and lay members voted — not on whether they should have a spin-off plan — but on the terms of the plan, which is specific to the annual conference in South Georgia, including a separate policy on retirement responsibility for churches that choose to leave. .